Dealing with your builder or contractor

Most general contractors and builders in this area are competent professionals in their areas of expertise. Unfortunately, their area of expertise does not include the CC&Rs that govern the use of land in the YO Ranchlands. Some important points for you to consider when taking their advice on your project in the YO Ranchlands are listed below.

  1. No one, other than the ACC, is authorized to approve exterior changes in a project once the permit is issued.
  2. Any change that affects the factors considered during the original permit approval process must be reviewed and approved by the ACC or the owner may be subject to a fine or fines and revocation of the permit.
  3. Some of the included factors are:
    • Location
    • Orientation of the building
    • Thickness of the pad
    • Hight of the building
    • Vegetation that screens the structure from roads
  4. In some cases it may be necessary for the ACC to require that the siding color be changed to cut down on the visibility caused by unauthorized changes.
  5. A worst case would require that the structure be moved or removed.
  6. You are financially responsible for any corrections required of you by the ACC as a result of your unauthorized changes.
  7. You are financially responsible for any corrections required of you by the ACC as a result of unauthorized changes by your contractor or his subs.
  8. Your contractors are not permitted to use the YOLA trash trailer. Violations may cost you up to $500 per incident.