In An Emergency

Three important pieces of information to post by your phone:

  • Connector.

    Your 911 address:

    Most tracts have a 911 address sign posted by the main entrance. Emergency responders need this sign to find you. If there is no sign near the entrance to your property, contact the Infrastructure Chairman for assistance.

  • Connector.

    Your telephone number:

    You may not be the one making the emergency call. Make sure your phone number is clearly posted in case of emergency.

  • Connector.

    GPS coordinates of a helicopter landing site:

    Pick an area large enough for the Shannon AirMed1 helicopter to land (50ft diameter for day, 100ft diameter for night) and record the GPS coordinates. Maintain this as a clear area for use in an emergency. At night, be prepared to light this location with a cars headlights to aid the helicopter landing.